1 |
What does a red traffic light with a green arrow indicate at an intersection? |
2 |
What three things may cause a vehicle to skid? |
3 |
What should you do if you're driving and your vehicle stops working? |
4 |
If you're planning on driving straight through an intersection but you are currently at a red light, what do you have to do? |
5 |
If you are at a red light and a pedestrian is still crossing when the light turns green, who has the right-of-way? |
6 |
What are you legally obligated to do on a two-way street when you hear an emergency vehicle siren? |
7 |
What are you legally obligated to do at a stop sign? |
8 |
What is indicated by a flashing yellow beacon over an intersection? |
9 |
What is illegal to carry in a house or boat trailer while driving? |
10 |
What three things does a flashing green light at an intersection where you are permitted to turn both left and right mean? |
11 |
If you are on a road with two-way traffic, where do you have to be in order to make a left turn? |
12 |
What is the area you cannot see in either your rear or side view mirrors called? |
13 |
You must drive at a speed that will allow you to _______________, in any weather conditions. |
14 |
if you are at a green light, who has the initial right-of-way? |
15 |
What should you do before getting onto a freeway? |