Study Guide

# Question Image
1 What is the best position to ride in when riding on a two lane highway?

2 What should you keep in mind when riding on a four lane highway?

3 In order to discourage others on the road from attempting to share the right lane, in what lane should the motorcyclist ride the motorcycle?

4 Why should you avoid remaining beside another moving vehicle?

5 Why should you maintain a distance from other moving vehicles?

6 How can you benefit by maintaining a proper distance between a moving vehicle and yourself?

7 What is the ideal distance that you should maintain between yourself and the other moving vehicle? Riding in Traffic - What is the ideal distance that you should maintain between yourself and the other moving vehicle?
8 What should be the distance when conditions are less than ideal?

9 How can you be aware of the vehicles behind you?

10 What does a proper following distance allow the driver of the oncoming vehicles to do?

11 Why should you not drive very close to the centre lane or the curb?

12 What does the law say about riding between the lanes? Riding in Traffic - What does the law say about riding between the lanes?
13 How can you make others aware of your presence?

14 Which of the following steps you should follow, to give yourself at least a two-second space?

15 How much space should you leave while pull out and pass without having to back up when stop behind another vehicle?

16 What should you do if someone is following you too closely?

17 What is the best road position for the motorcyclist?

18 What is the best lane position before the crest of the hill?

19 What is the best position when riding in a curve?

20 What can large vehicles cause?

21 What is the best way to avoid the turbulence and wind blasts caused by large vehicles? Riding in Traffic - What is the best way to avoid the turbulence and wind blasts caused by large vehicles?
22 Why should you maintain a larger distance from the large vehicles?

23 What happens if you follow a large vehicle too closely?

24 What can happen if a rider is positioned between a large vehicle that is turning right and the curb? Riding in Traffic - What can happen if a rider is positioned between a large vehicle that is turning right and the curb?
25 Which lane position should you choose when you are riding behind large vehicles?

26 The stopping distance of large vehicles is ___________ than smaller vehicles.

27 Why does a large vehicle need to swing wide to the left before making a right turn?

28 Why should you leave plenty of room when you are stopped behind a large vehicle?

29 When should you allow the bus to re-enter traffic?

30 When a motorcyclist is driving behind a bus that is entering the road by leaving a bus bay, who has the right-of-way?

31 What should you avoid doing while driving?

32 How should you change lanes?

33 Is just checking the mirrors enough when making a turn?

34 Why should you not drive in the centre lane on a freeway with three or more lanes? Riding in Traffic - Why should you not drive in the centre lane on a freeway with three or more lanes?
35 In the right lane of a two-lane road, what should be your position that provides good visibility and blocks other vehicles? Riding in Traffic - In the right lane of a two-lane road, what should be your position that provides good visibility and blocks other vehicles?
36 What is lane splitting?

37 Why is lane splitting dangerous?

38 Which vehicles should you not pass?

39 On which side should you ride when passing on a two way highway?

40 Why should you avoid passing too close to stopped vehicles?

41 How can you cooperate with someone when they are passing you? Riding in Traffic - How can you cooperate with someone when they are passing you?
42 What happens when you speed up when being passed?

43 The broken centerline on a roadway indicates that you may

44 Driving on the paved shoulder on the right side of the road is acceptable if one is

45 A solid line at the left of your lane means:

46 What should you do after passing through the truck that causes air turbulence?

47 What are blind spots?

48 How should you follow another vehicle? Riding in Traffic - How should you follow another vehicle?
49 What is the ideal riding position when you are following a vehicle? Riding in Traffic - What is the ideal riding position when you are following a vehicle?
50 How can you ensure that you're not driving in someone's blind spot?

51 How frequently should you check the mirrors?

52 When should you check your mirrors?

53 Many collisions involving motorcycles happen

54 What should you be prepared for when approaching an intersection?

55 What should you do if your motorcycle stalls in an interaction and does not start?

56 What should you do if an oncoming vehicle wants to make a left turn? Riding in Traffic - What should you do if an oncoming vehicle wants to make a left turn?
57 What should the motorcycle rider do if a vehicle is about to enter from the right side of the intersection? Riding in Traffic - What should the motorcycle rider do if a vehicle is about to enter from the right side of the intersection?
58 What should the motorcycle rider do if traffic is about to enter from either side of the intersection? Riding in Traffic - What should the motorcycle rider do if traffic is about to enter from either side of the intersection?
59 When approaching a Yield-sign, what does the law require you to do?

60 How can you enhance your visibility at an intersection?

61 What should you do when a signal light changes from green to amber as you approach an intersection?

62 When approaching an intersection where there is a flashing amber traffic light, you must:

63 A flashing red signal light at an intersection indicates:

64 Two vehicles reaching an uncontrolled intersection at approximately the same time must provide right-of-way to:

65 On approaching an intersection, you notice the road is blocked with traffic. You should:

66 A flashing green light at the intersection where turns to the left and right are permitted indicates what?

67 When two vehicles approach a four-way stop sign intersection at right angles to each other and at the same time:

68 A red signal light with a green arrow is shown at an intersection This indicates:

69 How far should you look ahead in the city? Riding in Traffic - How far should you look ahead in the city?
70 How far ahead should you look on the freeway?

71 How should you scan the road ahead?

72 For how long should you not look at one place or more?

73 When looking ahead, what should you watch out for?

74 How should you make a turn in the blind curve? Riding in Traffic - How should you make a turn in the blind curve?
75 What should you do when you are at a blind intersection? Riding in Traffic - What should you do when you are at a blind intersection?
76 How should you join the traffic when you are stopped or parked at the side of the road? Riding in Traffic - How should you join the traffic when you are stopped or parked at the side of the road?
77 When should you avoid lane sharing while riding your motorbike?

78 What is the best way to avoid lane sharing?

79 Why should you not share lanes with other vehicles?

80 What should you do if your vehicle is not capable of maintaining the posted speed limit of the road?

81 What should you do when it is dangerous to drive too close to the curb or edge of the roadway?